Worship Service Sundays at 8:30 Sunday School at 8:30

We are currently looking for volunteers to serve as greeters (ushers), counters and communion assistants to serve the wine during communion. We also need a volunteer to serve as the president on the cemetery association. Please contact the Church office if interested at 610-865-4144 or email friedens@ptd.net
Boy Scout Troop 191 is selling Giant gift cards in increments of $50 and $100. 5% of what is sold will benefit the troop. Please contact Sandi Dale at 610-393-9681 or email her at sandradale@ptd.net to purchase gift cards.
Charts for sponsorships are posted in the narthex (inside the front red doors). If you are interested in sponsoring any of the following, please sign up on your own or call the church office. The following costs are:
Missionary Support $20
Flowers $20 + $1.20 tax
Bulletins $9
Newsletter $50 (cost may be shared with others
Please submit all committee reports to the church secretary prior to the council meetings.
The deadline for submitting announcements for the Sunday bulletin is the previous Sunday.
We, the members of Friedens Lutheran Church, Center Valley, seeking to obey God’s will and desiring to be blessed together with Word and Sacrament, commit ourselves to a faith mission which begins with a creative worship life and helps us become a significant beacon of hope and strength, especially as this relates to our youth and community.
All are welcome, come worship with us!